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Top Beachbody Coach Success Stories- What does it take to be the BEST Beachbody Coach?

Top Beachbody Coach Success Stories

Melissa Ludwig 

I wanted to share with you some top Beachbody Coach success stories and help you understand that success is not a rank nor an income but it’s knowing your purpose and then growing daily and planting seeds of growth in others.  Today I have the opportunity to talk with and have Melissa share on our weekly Beachbody team call/training called the 30 Minute Mentor Series where she will share with us how she has lost the weight and drop pant sizes.  Top Beachbody Coach Success stories are not ALWAYS about the money or the Compensation plan.  Melissa and stories like Melissa’s are the HEART and SOUL of our company and also our opportunity as Team Beachbody Coaches.

top beachbody coaches, best beachbody coaches


“I was the unhealthiest and unhappiest that I have ever been! I have struggled with my weight for over a decade and it hit an all time high after I gained 70+ lbs during my pregnancy. I was 233 lbs post c-section and had no idea how I was going to lose 100 lbs. I thought healthy was portioned frozen dinners and fat free, low calorie foods. I turned to food to hide from my problems. I had zero respect or belief in myself. Before I started this journey, I’d spend an hour trying on everything I owned and then I’d cry because I hated how I looked in everything. It was hard to be intimate with my husband. It was hard to dress professionally for work since I was still wearing maternity clothes long after having a baby. I couldn’t even carry the car seat and diaper bag upstairs without being tired and out of breath.
I was a new Mom and I needed to get healthy for my family. I was breastfeeding my daughter and I knew I needed to lose weight but everything I have done in the past to lose weight wasn’t healthy. Since I was breastfeeding I finally cared about what I was putting in my body. It’s crazy to say that breastfeeding changed my life but I’m so glad it did!! I couldn’t carry her and all her gear around without getting extremely winded. I couldn’t even sit on the floor for tummy time with my daughter. I wanted to be a Mom who can chase her kids and keep up with them on and off the playground. I want more kids and I needed to find a way to do that in a healthier way because there is no chance I could go through another pregnancy like that again WITH a toddler. 
OHMYGOSH what hasn’t Beachbody helped me overcome. Most importantly becoming fit literally saved my life. 15 1/2 months ago my family was in a car accident and I had unbuckled for Elsie, I smashed into the windshield head on and broke my neck, a C7 fracture. If I wasn’t so strong & had already lost 95 lbs I think I would have went through that windshield & we would have been having a different conversation with the doctors or with my husband & daughter without me. I have had 7 rounds of injections in my back, months of PT and I still suffer from chronic back pain as a result.
I have done several programs and I have loved them all. They all are challenging and amazing in their own way. My personal highlight reel consists of the 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix Extreme, Insanity Max 30, PiYo, CIZE, Core de Force, Hammer & Chisel, Country Heat, and of course Shakeology and the 3 day refresh!! I really loved that the 21 day fix TAUGHT me how to look at food. I always thought I was eating healthy when in reality I was poisoning myself with that crap and not getting nearly enough of what I needed. I was also an awful breakfast eater and I never ate enough. Shakeology was a lifesaver as a new Mom but also as someone who wasn’t good at eating before noon/1 pm. I also loved that the 21 day fix and programs since then have a heavier modifier. When I first started, I was very big and I still remember what it felt like to see Kat, she wasn’t ripped and I thought to myself… If she can do it, so can I. And I DID! Thank you for that!
I’m a completely different person now thanks to Beachbody. I don’t pick apart my flaws when I see photos of myself instead my eyes gravitate towards everything I love! Heck, I never even used to LET people take my picture and now I take 20 a day! I have lost 109 pounds, and maintained that for a YEAR while recovering from a broken neck & back pain. I’ve gone from a size 24 to a size 2 and I have lost 90+ INCHES!! When I started, I couldn’t do a single push-up ON MY KNEES and now I’m doing crouching upside down push-ups, I don’t even know what they’re called but I CAN DO THEM! I can run and chase my toddler for hours! I can even fit into or onto everything in the playground. Beachbody has changed the quality of my life in so many amazing ways!!! For the first time in my entire life I can honestly say I love myself! I respect myself, I make myself proud!
How HASN’T my life changed? My marriage is stronger, my husband has also lost 30+ lbs and we now enjoy working out together!! Thanks to confidence and Personal Development, life has never been better, I am in the best shape of my life, I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. I KNOW that accident would have completely broken the old me, I would have NEVER pushed through all that pain. I have learned that everything I have gone through can inspire someone. Sharing my journey is what has gotten me through the hard times. My health was never a priority before Beachbody, it was all about a number… pants size or on the scale.. they controlled my life. It’s not about those things now, it’s about being healthy and being around to raise and expand my family which is something else Beachbody has given me.. the tools for a healthy pregnancy next time around. Thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart!
I love the accountability!! When I didn’t want to push play, I would check into my challenge groups, they really help!! The groups are an amazing source for motivation, recipes and support! Especially after the accident when I wasn’t able to work out for 3 months, those groups helped me on the bad days and reminded me how many GOOD days I’ve had so far! My Beachbody family has changed the way I have viewed this accident and that in itself is a miracle. I’ve completed 10 months of EMDR therapy because I got addicted to bettering myself. The accident could have completely derailed me and without my challenge groups, it might have. Instead I lived off of my challengers sweaty selfies and when I was allowed to exercise again and I had to start all over they cheered me on. They encouraged me every day to push through the pain, I needed them as much as they needed me.”