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Non-Scale Victories- I have muscles I didn't know existed!

Non-Scale Victories

Kay Snarr

results may vary

I want to share the transformation story or our friend and neighbor Kay who has not only lost 25 lbs after the birth of her first baby but has found joy and energy in celebrating the non-scale victories.  She is finding muscles that she didn’t know existed and now encouraging others to join her on this journey of living a healthier more fulfilling lifestyle.  Kay recently became a Team Beachbody Coach so that she can help others through Beachbody Challenge groups.  She shared with me, “I want people to feel what I’m feeling and to know what I know now. I want people to experience what I’m experiencing.”

“It started with the constant ache in my joints, and the nagging pain that seemed to come from just being in my own skin. It started the day that I went for a leisurely stroll around the park while my husband pushed the stroller and I had to stop for a break at the bench because I had to catch my breath. It started when I didn’t want to be in any pictures, and insisted that my husband be the one in all of our baby’s pictures as she grew up. It started the moment that I was told I have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and had insulin resistance that could turn to diabetes if I wasn’t careful. But my fitness journey didn’t really start until I wanted to prove to myself that I had what it took to change my life. So fast forward 4 months later and over 25 pounds less… how do I feel now? I feel amazing! I feel strong, powerful, young, in control… and it’s exhilarating! I have so much energy now that I’m the one pushing my husband to exercise with me. I feel so alive that it’s hard to keep still at times. I’m finding muscles that I’ve never had before: biceps, triceps, calves… even some abs are starting to poke through! And now I am doing full push-ups, and lifting weights heavier than I ever have before. The non-scale victories are much more fun and exciting for me than the scale victories are. Why will I forever continue this fitness journey and share with others? Because either choice I make (unhealthy vs healthy) a sacrifice will be made. I want to show people that choosing to be healthy is actually less of a sacrifice. I want people to feel what I’m feeling and to know what I know now. I want people to experience what I’m experiencing.”