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Abs in 10 Weeks - Focus T25 Challenge Group

Abs in 10 WeeksIMG_7717[1]

results may vary

It’s awesome to see my neighbors 10 week transformation with Focus T25.  He got abs in 10 weeks by joining the Beachbody Challenge Group and committing 100% to follow the program and using Shakeology everyday to replace one meal.   Even more amazing then abs in 10 weeks is that John started his challenge group as a brand new coach to help people on his journey. He lost 36lbs in the 10 week period of time.  He was able to become a Diamond Coach as well in this 2 month period.    I know that it’s possible to get abs in 10 weeks when you discipline yourself everyday to watch what you are eating and to give 100% every day in your challenge.   The Challenge helped him stay accountable and surrounded by people that were there to support him through his journey.  I’m proud of you bro and you look awesome!  I can’t wait to see the results from your next challenge.