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Top Beachbody Coach Struggle- Trust in God

Top Beachbody Coach Struggle

By Scottie Hobbs

Does a Top Beachbody Coach Struggle or is there a point where you arrive and everything is simple.   The place where people knock on your door asking for help and advice on fitness.  I remember so clearly when I started as a Team Beachbody Coach in April of 2011.  I used to wonder what a day in the life of the Elite Coaches was like? I wanted so badly to be there and have a taste of that success that comes from knowing that you have set a goal and crushed it.  Knocked it out of the park if you are a baseball fan like myself.  Im here to tell you that yes, even the top Beachbody Coaches have struggles that test their vision, their purpose, and their WHY.  I’m here to completely share with you that even I am not where I want to be and have been reminded that success is not a final destination.  Success is living in your purpose and planting seeds of growth in others all while you are continuing to grow yourself.  Success is being grateful for what you have been given vs wonder why you don’t have what somebody else has.  I have friends and people I have mentored or helped who are now 15 Star Diamond Coaches.  Was it awesome hitting the goal of Elite Top 10 Coach last year…. YES.  But what next?  Do I want to be Elite Top 10 Coach in 2014 as well… Absolutely!   What I really want though is to create leaders that own their lives and make lasting impact on others including their future generations.  I want to love more and to be loved more. I want people to say, “Because of YOU, I never gave up”.  That is our mission statement this year.  #nevergiveup I’m sharing this with you today because even as a top Beachbody Coach,  struggle is going to be inevitable.  I have worked these past 5 months on getting my priorities straight and aligned with my purpose in this life which goes in this order.

Top_male _beachbody_coach

1. God

2. Spouse

3. Children

4. Top Beachbody Coach


Sometimes I get out of balance with these priorities and I have faith that as I maintain the balance with these areas of my life, I can and will continue to make a huge impact in this world and help others to do the same.  I WILL be a 15 Star Diamond this year.   I am not yet a 15 Star Diamond Coach, but I have faith and know that God will direct my path.  HE will help bring the individuals into our lives who will be our leaders.  For those that are already in our lives, HE will guide me to help them find and solidify their purpose.


I have struggled a little bit lately. I’ve wondered if I’m good enough to take on the tasks that I believe I can. The dreams and goals that I envision seem so HUGE to me in this moment and I am not where I want to be.  It’s discouraged me a little bit but with the help of reading and listening to positive uplifting things I am realizing that its because I am judging myself against others that have started around the same time as me or a little after. This is MY race. MY life and I am going to accept that TODAY. The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel. I am challenging YOU today to stop comparing yourself to others and to start highlighting YOUR REEL