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Is Chris Downing's new program called Shop Shift or Ship Shop?

SHIFT SHOP or Shop Shift

Chris Downing. He’s an elite functional fitness trainer who specializes in helping anyone — regardless of weight, size, or age — get into amazing shape fast.  Chris has been well-known on youtube for awhile now and so exciting that he has partnered with Beachbody as the newest Beachbody Celebrity trainer.  The program is not called Shop Shift but is “The Shift Shop.”

The SHIFT SHOP is a ramp-up fitness program. Chris makes it easy for you to start. Then he gradually increases the intensity of the cardio and strength-training workouts week by week — all while refining your nutrition. Plus, he makes it a lot of fun.

Week 1, Chris uses shorter, 25-minute workouts that’ll help you stay focused and committed. And you’ll be eating a healthy balance of carbs, protein, and fat.

Week 2, just as your body adapts to the workouts, Chris increases their length to 35 minutes. Plus, you’ll cut back on the starchy carbs, while revving up the proteins and veggies.

Week 3, it all comes together. Seven days of higher-intensity workouts, while eating clean. This is your grand final

For those of you who are newer I want you to know that there is a modifier to follow until you get stronger.   The Shift Shop will be automatically added to your Beachbody on Demand All-Access streaming membership.  Don’t know what that is?  CLICK HERE

I will be doing the workout with Chris Downing at the Beachbody Success Club trip in Punta Cana in just 2 weeks and will make sure to put some videos up on my youtube channel for you to see what it’s like LIVE and in person. The program will officially be released at Coach Summit in July.

the-shop-shift, shift shop, shop shift, chris downing