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Lifestyle Change- This is not a Diet. 80 Day Obsession

Lifestyle Change


I was scrolling through the 80 Day Obsession Test group and saw my friend Jenni had posted some update photos for the second phase of this program with timed nutrition and a new workout every single day.   My jaw dropped when I saw how much she has accomplished in just under 60 days so I wanted to share with you.  This isn’t a diet, this is a lifestyle change that involves real accountability of a coach and community that wants you to live a healthier more fulfilling lifestyle.

lifestyle change, 80 day obsession

Jenni shared with me, “I started because I wanted to feel good about looking in the mirror and being happy with what I saw. I wanted to be more active and not run of of breath every time I walked up stairs. I used to weigh 50 lbs heavier than I am now and I was in a dark time in my life. I was in a Toxic relationship and emotionally eating almost every day.  Since being a part of this test group and program, I feel amazing now!!!  I was lifting 5 lbs and 8 lbs the first week and now I’m using 15’s.  I could go heavier but right now I just don’t have bigger weights!  I’m not modifying as much anymore which is empowering. Im doing pushups on my feet and using the sliders!  I’m happy with what I see in the mirror now!!  I will continue my journey because this is a lifestyle change and not just a diet. This has become part of my daily routine. I want people to know that they can change for the better. Its hard but being unhealthy and over weight is hard too.”

I love what Jenni shares and my invitation to YOU is to CHOOSE YOUR HARD

lifestyle change, 80 day obsession, autumn calabrese

lifestyle change, 80 day obsession