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Insanity Results and Turbofire

Insanity Results

I want to share with you the progress that Sandy has so far with her Insanity results.  She has also been doing some Turbofire and talks about adding in some Chalene Extreme.  I saw her post these Insanity results today and thought that it would inspire somebody to join in on the fun we are having with our workouts and learning how to live a healthier more fulfilling lifestyle.  She says excitedly,  “I’ve lost 30lbs so far!  One of my favorite quotes I have been using lately is, “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”  This is exactly what Sandy is doing and it’s awesome to see her get excited about her health.  So many times we get caught up in life and forget to take care of ourselves.  We feel like we are too busy to add something else in our lives.  I promise you that if you work on yourself and get active, you will be more effective in your other daily activities.   Keep moving forward Sandy!  We are PROUD of you!

sandy earman insanity

results may vary

If you feel like you don’t know where to start with your health journey or you have some of our Beachbody workouts and just haven’t begun them, fee free to CONTACT ME so that we can help you get started.
