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I Want to Make a Difference

I Want to Make a Difference

Did you know that the number one thing that people want in this life is to feel like they matter?  I realize that it’s the same as wanting to make a difference in this world.  When our life ends, we will ask ourself, did I really matter?  Did I make a difference in this world.  I want to make a difference.  I want you to say that to yourself right now in your office or wherever you are at while reading this post and see if it stirs something up inside of you.  I never really felt like I was making much of a difference in the lives of those around me when I was sitting in my cubicle just 3 years ago, but today, I can stand proudly and know that lives are being impacted in a positive way just by learning to tell my story.  I want to share the story of my friend Logan Cole who I met last winter at a Beachbody Coach event in TN.

i-want-to-make-a difference

results may vary

I originally started my weight loss journey because my girlfriend is really fit and I wasn’t. Her parents are Beachbody coaches, so when I came over I would see them working out and drinking their Shakeology and I realized how easy it is to be fit and healthy using Beachbody products. That’s when I started using them. The funny thing is, I actually didn’t tell them I had borrowed a Beachbody program from my cousin and was doing it every day until about 2 weeks after I started! They were so excited for me and helped me order my first bag of Shakeology!

Before Beachbody I was the fat kid. As a Senior in high school, you want to have fun and be able to do the things that your friends are doing like play sports, pool parties and go on hiking trips but I was unable to do those things because of my weight. I wouldn’t dare take my shirt off in public, I was just disgusted and uncomfortable with my body image. Now, 103lbs later, I am loving life! I am able to keep up with my friends, I can go to the pool with my girlfriend and feel comfortable in my own skin and most importantly I believe in myself.

Beyond my physical transformation; which I am very excited about and thankful for, I have seen amazing changes in my personal life. In awe of my weight loss, my Mom and younger Brother both decided it was their turn to lose weight. Since December she has lost 50lbs and he has lost 60lbs, making our household grand total weight loss 213lbs! That’s so crazy to me. Last year we were all eating at buffets twice a week and now we treat ourselves to a daily dose of dense nutrition, Shakeology of course. I am an aspiring musician so my dream as always been get my bachelors degree in music production and share my creativity with the world and let people hear my music. However, after my experience with Beachbody I have decided to get my Bachelors degree in nutrition and become a Beachbody coach so I can help people achieve their goals and get healthy.

As I continue my journey, the next step is helping others do what I have done and more. I want people to know the feeling when you drop 15 pounds and suddenly you can do anything you want. I want to help people take back what has always been rightfully there’s. I want to make a difference.

become a beachbody coach

Do YOU want to make a Difference?