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How to Stay Motivated- 5 Steps to self-motivate

How to Stay Motivated


Honestly I get asked all the time, “How do you stay motivated and so inspirational ALL THE TIME?”  The truth of the matter is that I wake up groggy almost daily and it’s hard for me to get out of bed. I’m not too excited to see or talk to anyone.  Wait for it…. My job is to inspire people and lead them so how on the heck do you do that when you don’t feel inspired yourself?

So how to stay motivated when you feel like that?  It’s a simple formula and I’ll share what works for me, with you.


 5 steps on how to stay motivated
1. I get out of bed and shower
2. immediately drink tropical shakeology mixed with 2 scoops of E&E
3. I read for uplifting books for 45 minutes
4. Go workout while listen to more positive audios.
5. Then I TEACH something I learned in my reading.

Now we are 2 hours into my day and have made the CHOICE to act my way into feeling motivated. Are you waiting for somebody to motivate you? If so you’re going to have a lot of off and missed days. You will end up upset and blaming others. I’m telling you this now so that you can prepare yourself to accomplish great goals. “Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man how to fish and he eats for life”
-Scottie quote of the day- 
“Give man some motivation and he’s motivated for a few hours, teach a man to self-motivate and he’s motivated for life”