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Craig Holiday - 90 Days of Excellence - Getting Started

Getting Started

Starting off I want you to think about when you put 90 days into your P90X or whatever workout program it is that you are currently doing.  Think about the dedication you put in and the passion you put into that transformation.  Imagine what would happen to your Beachbody business if you put that same drive in to growing your business everyday just like you do with your workouts.

When getting started as a coach there are 5 W’s that you will need to take into consideration to build the foundation for a six figure income in 90 days.

WHY – Many of you may feel like you are never paid what you are really worth.   In this business you are given a gift to go out and change your entire future.  You are born with the D.N.A.  The Determined Natural  Ambition.  This means you have the desire to be so much more.  You want to be able to do the things in life that you want most.  A lot of times people spend their entire lives trying to be successful and end up at the  end of their lives and realize they have not really been significant to those around them.  This business is different.  We have the amazing opportunity to build success and significance simultaneously.  It will be so important to really find out your WHY because life will not all of a sudden stop and be easy for you to go 15 star diamond.   Your why will give you the endurance to finish this race.

WHEN –  Don’t say someday.  Put a date on your goals and refuse to let yourself fail.  Make a covenant with yourself and refuse to sell yourself short.  If you do not put exact dates on your goals, you are like a ship without a rudder and will go nowhere.  Find out where you want to go in life and set those goals.  Someday does not EXIST, someday is TODAY!  Some of you have been sitting in the stands watching others succeed.  Now is your time. Get off the stands and get in the game.  The only thing holding you back is your own self doubt.  Draw a line today through your past and tell yourself you are tired of being tired.

WORK –  “Struggle is much less painful than regret”  My all- time favorite quote by Craig Holiday.  I will do whatever it takes every single day because I don’t want to end up one day down the road 70 years old with regret about what I did with my life.  Live your life to the fullest.  It will take work to build yourself a business and a dream so do not think that it will come easy.  Write down the 10 things you will do EVERY single day in your business and check them off as you go through the day.  If you get to the end of the day and those 10 things aren’t done, you sold yourself short.

WISDOM –  Learn to manage your time.  If you say to yourself, “I don’t have time to build this business” that is a fallacy.  Use a calendar and listen to Craig Holiday’s call called TIME MANAGEMENT.   Write out your blocks of time for family, your job, your kids, your spouse, your activities, and your business.  Don’t fly by the seat of your pants.  Wisdom is gained by organizing.  Once you KNOW where you want to be in life and you work from a calendar and follow these steps, it’s only a matter of time.   You will get there.  You have people who will give you wisdom.  There are Team Calls, National coach calls, webinars, a back office, your sponsor coach, your up-line Diamond Coach.   USE THEM!  Nobody wants you to succeed more in life and in this business then your upline sponsor.  If you want to succeed, say to your up-line.  “I’ll do whatever it is you tell me to do”, then DO IT!  There is a great passage in Proverbs that says, “There is wisdom in the council of many”.

WIN –  The way you live your days is the way that you live your life.  It’s not about YOU in this business, it’s about others.  “Average people don’t do great things, people who are great are those who no longer want to be average.”  Everyday ask yourself if you have done something that is significant in the lives of others.  Who cares about your past and what you have been through.  Draw a line today and decide that you are going to win.”  I love the quote, “If you knew you couldn’t fail, how big would you dream”  Set your goals and dreams and decide that you are going to win in life.  Decide that you are sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Every now and then, somewhere, someplace, sometime, YOU are going to have to plant your feet and stand firm and make a point about who you are and what you believe in.