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Clean Week- Try Shakeology and free clean eating plan + workouts

Clean Week

I want to share the results of my friend Melissa Wells who just completed Clean Week and is getting ready to move on to do 21 Day Fix with her husband.  Like many other mom’s or dad’s she put on more weight than she would have liked after going through the process of raising three babies.


 “I started because in the last 7 years I have put on just shy of 100 pounds with having my three babies and I’ve gained a majority of that in the last three years since I stopped working my retail job to be a stay-at-home mom as well as in that time frame I had two of my three babies. I know that I am extremely out of shape and I am not showing my kids how to live a healthy lifestyle so I chose Beachbody as a way to fix that. I would really like to be out in public as well as down the shore with my kids and not feel so insecure. My goal is to feel comfortable in a bathing suit by Memorial Day weekend 2018 which would have me needing to drop at least 50 pounds and do some serious toning by then. 
I feel much more energized during the day. I look forward to my evenings when all the kids are sleeping so I can get a workout in. From the start of the 7 day Clean work out to the second half of it I can already see an improvement in how much I can complete each round as well as how far I can push myself. The first two days left me pretty sore but I got right back in the game and haven’t given up. Before I started Beachbody I was so tired, I had no real desire to be up and physically active, and I certainly wasn’t looking forward to getting dressed everyday. This workout is having a huge effect on my mindset for sure. 
I will continue this journey and encourage others because it pays to be healthy and active especially when you have younger children. I will keep up with my workouts nightly because I makes me feel so much better about myself each day. “