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Beachbody Challenge Group Results

Beachbody Challenge Group Results

Kendra Fletcher

 I want to give a huge shout out to Kendra Fletcher for her major accomplishment with her Beachbody Challenge Group Results.  Kendra was in a Beachbody Challenge Group doing the workout called Chalene Extreme or CLX.  It’s amazing to see the difference that only 5 months can make in your life when you begin to move forward, set, goals, and learn how to accomplish them.  Kendra felt the support from her challenge group helped her to move forward past the struggles that may make others quit their journey.  She knows how much these challenge groups have helped her and so she became a coach with Team Beachbody and on our team of coaches to help others around her that faced the same struggles as she did.  I’m proud of you Kendra and your Beachbody Challenge Group results are amazing!  I can’t wait to see what you accomplish this year!


results may vary


If you see these pictures and are inspired to change your life please watch this video about the Beachbody Challenge and see if it is something that will help you on your journey.  If it is, I want you to CONTACT ME and let me know your goals!


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